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The Best Martial Arts Training Academy in Dubbo

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Traditional Karatedo


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Teaching Through Practice

Shinkenkan Ryukasu Budokan seeks to foster the development of our students throughout their entire education. Our teaching community is made up of a group of talented and creative professionals, who are passionate about creating the best Martial Arts Training Academy in Dubbo. Shinkenkan Ryukasu Martial Arts Academy offers the tools and support necessary for our students to reach their full potential.

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All styles of Karatedo utilize speed and power but there are certain characteristics of Ryukasu Karatedo that makes it faster and the movements more powerful than some of the more common conventional styles.  Ryukasu Karatedo developed by Kyoshi Ryukasu (Lucas) is his own incarnation, with roots to Traditional Tominakoshi den (Shotokan Ryu) and Miyagi den (Goju Ryu) and Ashihara Kai Kan styles of Karatedo, as well a Tekenai – a combination of Karatedo, Kenpo and Aikijuho.

 Ryukasu Karatedo stakes the powerful linear movements utilizing the deep rooted stances and hip rotation of Shotokan Ryu and combines them with the fast circular “soft” movements and short stances of Goju Ryu to create a martial arts style that generates tremendous power and speed.

Miyagi den (Goju Ryu) Karate often redirects energy, instead of meeting force on force like the Tominakoshi den (Shotokan Ryu) style and is considered a soft style – “do not consider soft – as lacking of power”, Goju utilizes shorter rooted stances and very powerful yet quick movements with dynamic body tension and breathing.

 Ryukasu Karatedo is the perfect union of Shotokan and Goju Ryu the hard and soft styles and therefore is suited to all body types large and strong as well as light and fast.  Ryukasu Karatedo is the culmination of centuries of martial arts taking the best of all styles to create a hybrid martial art with great strength and speed.  Ryukasu Karatedo manages to fuse these two styles and in the process creates many of its own unique movements.

 Ryukasu Karatedo is characterised by fast circular hand movements and very fast footwork. Offensive movements are explosive and utilize the full body power of the practitioners, creating tremendous force. The most fundamental of these movements is the unique footwork and body shifting movements called “Sabaki” that is characteristic trait of the Ryukasu Karatedo style.

Much of the footwork incorporates the switching of the position of the feet and hips. This switching causes the entire body to rotate and harness the power of the entire body into the movement. This rotation therefore puts the entire mass of the body behind the punch, kick or block, greatly amplifying the power, using the opponents own power against them.

There are also many short explosive steps, which translate to rapid hand movements and quick closing of the distance to the opponent. This quick movement translate into a devastating offensive attack that is very difficult to defend against.

The flowing circular movements also retains the momentum during the defence and allows this energy to flow into the subsequent offensive attack making for a very quick counter with little or no  lapse in time or movement between the defence and counter- attack. Once the Ryukasu Karatedo defence opens up the attacker, often times the final blow will be delivered by changing into the classic reverse punch, which has no rival when it comes to power. Combine this reverse punch with the momentum generated by the Ryukasu Karatedo footwork and this powerful traditional punch is made even stronger by harnessing the energy and momentum generated by the footwork of the Ryukasu Karatedo practitioner.

Offensive hand techniques in Ryukasu Karatedo also utilize circular movements, at close range; circular hand movement attacks are very effective and able to breach the linear defence of many fighting styles as they go around the defensive limb of the defender.

Hooking offensive in combination with linear offensive makes for a very difficult and powerful attack to defend against.

All techniques taught at the Ryukasu Karatedo shave been tested both in the street and in karate tournaments. If the technique is not effective it is not used.

 Kyoshi started to train with Hanshi Mike Ireland in Zen Sabaki Michi concepts and O’Hanshi TeRupe in Traditional Gosoku Ryu Kubokenshi kai Karatedo. O’Hanshi TeRupe and Hanshi Mike have been both mentors and close friends of Kyoshi and have been his guides in the martial arts for many years.


Kyoshi Ryukasu (Lucas) has practiced martial arts for over 40 years and is an expert in joint manipulation, which he employs extensively in his instruction.

Kyoshi teaches only practical movements applicable to combat.

Again if it does not work in combat – “it is not taught”.

The Art we teach is Karate.

It is the systematic usage of the defensive and attacking movements that evolved over a long period of time, and is still evolving in to the 21st century.

The Style we teach is Okinawan / Japanese.

The style is from the Ryukyu archipelago islands.

It originally came from Chinese envoys that were stationed in Okinawa. These envoys were Chinese military attachés usually schooled in the shaolin monastery fighting arts.

They served for the Chinese emperor in the role of trade advisors etc.

The envoys eventually married to Okinawan residents and became locals themselves and settled into the Okinawan way of life teaching the Shaolin arts along with the native Okinawan fighting art known as “TE” meaning hand. 

The System we teach is

Gosoku Ryu, Kubokenshikai, Zen Sabaki Michi under the banner of Shinkenkan Ryukasu Karatedo.

The Gosoku Ryu karate system was developed by Soke Takayuki Kubota 10th Dan born in Kumamoto Japan and schooled in the samurai arts, Judo, Kendo, Aikido and Karatedo. He was taught to kill your enemy by whatever means possible. Later he started to teach the Tokyo riot squad his own techniques and discovered that he was innovating the traditional moves into a combination of hard and fast movements. This mesh of traditional Shotokan karate, Goju Ryu karate and Judo plus Aikido formed the beginning of Gosoku Ryu Karatedo (Hard and fast school of empty hand way)). Soke Kubota then formed the International karate Association or in the early 1960’s.

An organization that has grown into one of the largest karate organizations in the world.

Kubo ken shi kai Gosoku kai is the system that O’Hanshi Inuhaere (TeRupe) 9th Dan has developed. A long time student of Soke Kubota Hanshi TeRupe was the first Person in New Zealand to achieve the black belt, a Maori leader and student of master Amano in the Shotokan system O’Hanshi TeRupe studied with master Amano until his untimely passing  only then did he seek out his friend and Now teacher Soke Kubota. Soke Kubota Himself gave Hanshi TeRupe the name of Kubo Ken Shi Kai / Gosoku Kai.

Meaning Kubo – Soke’s first part of his name ken – fist or sword, shi – meaning spirit, kai meaning association so Kubo ken shi kai means – Spirit of Kubota fist or Sword association. Gosoku mean hard and fast and Kai association.

Zen Sabaki Michi is the method of evasion using the opponents own momentum against them and delivering a devastating and decisive retaliation. The system was developed by Master Ashihara of the Ashihara Kan and further developed by Kancho Ninomiya of the Enshin Karate Kan. Kancho Ninomiya, being a student of Master Ashihara. The system employs evasion to the blind side and the usage of four fundamental positions plus the implementation of the three ranges of combat, short, mid and long range and the accompanying techniques associated with these ranges.

Tekenai Budo is the complete system of martial arts that Ryukasu Karatedo encompasses. It is a true Ryu in the sense that it teaches not only empty hand arts but weapon arts as well. We call these war arts, also as well as the destroying arts we practice the healing arts as well this is called kuatsu.


Opening Hours

Tue: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Wed: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Sat: 10:00am - 12:00am
Sun: 10:00am - 12:00am

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7 Sherwood avenue Dubbo Dubbo NSW Australia 2830


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